Car Camping Checklist


If you work a typical 9-5, you know there is nothing more important than making the most of the weekend for you and your dog. Car camping is a great way to see new spots, cut down on travel time, and quickly immerse yourself in the great outdoors. 

By choosing locations near hiking trails, paddling put-ins, or climbing hubs, once you set up camp, your days are ready to be packed with adventure! Before you hit the open road, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got the right gear. Our list below will help you get started, but always remember to pack gear specific for the time of year, place, and activities you plan on emBARKing on.

1) Food ✔️

Eating nutrient-rich food before, during, and after your activities is key to your success and safety. Because you’re not backpacking, there is no real need to cut down on weight or space. So, load up that cooler and be sure to pack a few extra snacks in case you meet a new friend or two while camping.

2) Water ✔️

In addition to packing water for you and your dog for the campsite, you should always have a way to purify water in your pack for your day trips. There are many ways to purify water, and you will be thanking yourself when you avoid catching a waterborne illness!

3) Clothes ✔️

When you’re car camping, you have the luxury to pack more than you typically would when backpacking. Sometimes this causes people to overpack unnecessary items and leave the important ones at home. Be sure to pack both in-camp and activity-specific clothing and gear. And remember to never leave your rain jacket and a warm layer at home, even if the forecast calls for 70 degrees and sunny. You never know what mother nature has up her sleeve!

4) Dog Gear ✔️

You wouldn’t start an adventure without the right footwear or the right gear; it is important to make sure your dog doesn’t either. Companies like Ruffwear make it easy to outfit your dog for any adventure.

5) Camp Chair ✔️

One of the best things about car camping is the luxury to spend a little more time lounging. Camp chairs don’t need to break the bank, and you’ll be happy you have one packed when your other friends are sitting on rocks or stumps.

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6) Sleeping Bag ✔️

Even on the warmest of summer days, temps can drop fast once the sun goes down. Be sure to pack a sleeping bag that will keep you warm for the night. Some people opt for cozy blankets when they go car camping instead of a traditional sleeping bag, either way, be sure you have the right sleeping gear packed to keep both you and your dog toasty.

7) Tent ✔️

One of the most important (and fun) pieces of gear to pack is a good tent. Once again, because weight isn't as much of a concern when car camping, treat yourself to a larger tent with more room and maybe even a nice gear vestibule for you and your dog. 🏕️

8) Day Pack ✔️

Just because you’re car camping, doesn’t mean you’re stuck at the campground. Be sure your day pack includes all the essentials before you leave camp.

9) Navigation ✔️

Even if you’re planning on hiking a trail you’ve hiked hundreds of times before, it is always smart to pack navigation tools like a map and compass. These tools will come in handy if you’re forced to take an alternate trail or you are looking for a water source.

10) First Aid ✔️

Be sure to pack first aid essentials for you and your dog. Hopefully, you won’t end up needing to use these items, but you might be able to help someone else you meet.

11) Flashlight or Headlamp ✔️

There’s nothing worse than having to dig through all your gear late at night to try and find where you put your toothbrush or extra pair of socks. Save on your cell phone battery by using a headlamp to quickly find what you’re looking for.

12) Sun Protection ✔️

Protecting yourself from the sun’s harmful rays is important because not only will it help keep you from burning, but it will help you stay hydrated longer, too. Don’t forget about your dog’s eyes—lighter color eyes are extra sensitive to the sun’s rays. 


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Have fun out there, and don’t forget to share your adventures with us when you get home! Be sure to tag @TriumphPetFood on social so we can see what you’ve been up to and share your explorations with the Triumph pack. Be sure to follow Triumph’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages for more helpful tips & tricks!

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